Benno Lang

Language learning

In primary school, I studied Greek. In high school and at university, I studied Japanese. I'm reasonably proficient in Japanese these days, but not quite enough to pass JLPT2... yet.

I plan to learn the following languages over the course of my life:

Language Current level Completed Duolingo course
Japanese N3, near N2 2018***
Esperanto Est. C1 2018****
Russian A0* 2018
Spanish Est. A1 2018
Indonesian - No
German Est. A2-B1 2019
Korean A0* No
Kaurna - Doesn't exist
Arabic (MSA) - No
Hindi - No
Swedish Est . A1 2021
Chinese (Mandarin) A0** 2021
Swahili - No
Turkish - No

*I can read and write the alphabet, and say some basic phrases.

**I can understand some through reading.

***Tested my way through to get a feel for the content they include.

****According to Duome, but I feel like it was earlier and that might have been v2 of the tree, or later.

Last updated: 11:44pm, 3/4/2014